Precision Gymnastics Jr Olympic Team

For many years, Precision Gymnastics has had a very strong Junior Olympic Women’s Artistic Gymnastics Competitive Team Program. The program is governed by the National Gymnastics Association and run by our Head Coach Sergei Tereshenko. The Junior Olympic program consists of levels 1-10, level 1 being the introductory level and emphasizes the importance of having a solid foundation of basic skills. In order to advance to the next level, the gymnast is required to be able to perform a set of skills safely and consistently, receive a minimum score in a competitive setting and reach the required age before being allowed to train for the next level. This system helps ensures the safety of all gymnasts and teaches athletes at a young age that success does not happen overnight but comes with hard work and persistency.

The Levels Are Broken Down Into 3 Basic Parts: Developmental, Compulsory and Optional Levels.

Developmental: Levels 1 through 3 are considered the Developmental levels. Although they perform in local competitions, these levels generally focus on building a strong foundation of basic skills. It is crucial to the success of Junior Olympic gymnasts that they master the skills that the Developmental levels require. The skills gymnasts learn within levels 1 through 3 are the basis for every other skill they will do in their gymnastics career. If a gymnast does not have strong fundamentals, not only will that increase their chances of injury but it also decreases their chances of making it to the upper levels.

Compulsory: The Compulsory levels consist of Levels 4 and 5. These levels focus on continuing to strengthen and perfect basic skills that will help the gymnast be successful in the upper levels. Level 4 and 5 gymnasts are given opportunities to qualify for State Level competitions.

Optional: The Optional levels are levels 6 through 10 and are considered the upper levels of gymnastics. Level 6 and 7 gymnasts can compete up to the State Championship level. Level 8 through 10 offer competitive opportunities such as Regional, Eastern/Western and National Championships. After a gymnast completes level 10, they can attempt to qualify for the Elite/Olympic level.


Regardless of a person’s current skill level or age, anyone can start training to be a Junior Olympic gymnast. However, being a successful Junior Olympic gymnast takes time, hard work, determination and a whole lot of mental toughness!

Interested in Joining Our Team? Give Us a Call at 704.434.0016 ...Ask for Coach Sergei.